We appreciate your help in building the school. Your generosity will help us to fulfill the mission of Olivet Academy. Your tax-exempt donation may be made using cash, check, debit or credit card and wire transfers.
Olivet Academy is a 501(c )(3) non-profit organization, and all donations are 100% tax - deductible.
Checks are accepted either in person at the cashier or by mailing the payment to :
Olivet Academy
36401 Tripp Flats Rd, Bldg T,
Anza CA 92539
Please include donor name and description on the check. Cash can be paid at the cashier’s office.
Domestic/International Wire Transfer information can be obtained from School Office.
Please click following donation button:
Thank you for your support and prayers for Olivet Academy Riverside. Please report your payment through this report form, so that school administration can keep record accurately.